Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Happy Holidays from LeBlanc Floors

Please consider what your spend and purchase this year during the holidays, is it really necessary to purchase gifts with so much waste in packaging?

LeBlanc Floors is committed to change.

Instead of sending out cards or calenders this year we have donated $500 to Childrens Safe Drinking Water Organization. We encourage you to do the same and donate to where it's really going to make a difference.

Check this out:

Have a Safe & Happy Holiday Season
Think about it!! Make a committment!! Don't drink and drive!!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Wide Plank Yellow Pine with OSMO Hardwax Oil

"Thanks for the amazing job on our floors. We so appreciate your care and commitment. They turned out exactly as I had hoped. Thank you both and to your crews. Please send me some business cards! Until we meet again! Barbara and Tom"